// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyStack.h"#include "PrefixToPostfix.h"#include#include #include using namespace std;int zxgb(int a, int b);void main(){ MyStack stack; stack.init(); int result[4]; int result1[4]; int m = 0; char exp[100]; ifstream myfile("a.txt"); if (!myfile){ cout << "无法打开文件"; exit(1); // terminate with error } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { { myfile >> exp; char post[100]; char get[100]; int n = 0; // 返回后缀表达式的长度 postfix(exp, post, n); result[i] = postfix_value(post); cout << "第" << i + 1 << "题的答案是:\n"; cin >> result1[i]; if (result[i] == result1[i]) { m++; } } } cout << "您本次作对了" << m << "道题\n"; system("pause");}bool isoperator(char op){ switch (op) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': return 1; default: return 0; }}int priority(char op){ switch (op) { case '=': return -1; case '(': return 0; case '+': case '-': return 1; case '*': return 2; default: return -1; }}// 把中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式,返回后缀表达式的长度(包括空格)void postfix(char pre[], char post[], int &n){ int i = 0, j = 0; MyStack stack; stack.init(); // 初始化存储操作符的栈 stack.push('='); // 首先把结束标志‘#’放入栈底 while (pre[i] != '=') { if ((pre[i] >= '0' && pre[i] <= '9') || pre[i] == '.' || pre[i] == '/') // 遇到数字和小数点直接写入后缀表达式 { post[j++] = pre[i]; n++; } else if (pre[i] == '(') // 遇到“(”不用比较直接入栈 stack.push(pre[i]); else if (pre[i] == ')') // 遇到右括号将其对应左括号后的操作符(操作符栈中的)全部写入后缀表达式 { while (stack.gettop() != '(') { post[j++] = stack.pop(); n++; } stack.pop(); // 将“(”出栈,后缀表达式中不含小括号 } else if (isoperator(pre[i])) { post[j++] = ' '; // 用空格分开操作数( n++; while (priority(pre[i]) <= priority(stack.gettop())) { // 当前的操作符小于等于栈顶操作符的优先级时,将栈顶操作符写入到后缀表达式,重复此过程 post[j++] = stack.pop(); n++; } stack.push(pre[i]); // 当前操作符优先级大于栈顶操作符的优先级,将该操作符入栈 } i++; } while (stack.top) // 将所有的操作符加入后缀表达式 { post[j++] = stack.pop(); n++; }}double read_number(char str[], int *i){ double x = 0.0; int k = 0; while (str[*i] >= '0' && str[*i] <= '9') // 处理整数部分 { x = x * 10 + (str[*i] - '0'); (*i)++; } if (str[*i] == '.') // 处理小数部分 { (*i)++; while (str[*i] >= '0'&&str[*i] <= '9') { x = x * 10 + (str[*i] - '0'); (*i)++; k++; } } while (k != 0) { x /= 10.0; k--; } return x;}double postfix_value(char post[]){ MyStack stack; // 操作数栈 stack.init(); int i = 0; double x1, x2; while (post[i] != '=') { if (post[i] >= '0' && post[i] <= '9') stack.push(read_number(post, &i)); else if (post[i] == ' ') i++; else if (post[i] == '+') { x2 = stack.pop(); x1 = stack.pop(); stack.push(x1 + x2); i++; } else if (post[i] == '-') { x2 = stack.pop(); x1 = stack.pop(); stack.push(x1 - x2); i++; } else if (post[i] == '*') { x2 = stack.pop(); x1 = stack.pop(); stack.push(x1*x2); i++; } /*else if (post[i] == '/') { x2 = stack.pop(); x1 = stack.pop(); stack.push(x1 / x2); i++; }*/ } return stack.gettop();}int fenshu(int a, int b){}
//MyStack.h#includeusing namespace std;template class MyStack{public: const static int MAXSIZE = 100; ElemType data[MAXSIZE]; int top;public: void init(); // 初始化栈 bool empty(); // 判断栈是否为空 ElemType gettop(); // 读取栈顶元素(不出栈) void push(ElemType x); // 进栈 ElemType pop(); // 出栈};template void MyStack ::init(){ this->top = 0;}template bool MyStack ::empty(){ return this->top == 0 ? true : false;}template T MyStack ::gettop(){ if (empty()) { cout << "栈为空!\n"; exit(1); } return this->data[this->top - 1];}template void MyStack ::push(T x){ if (this->top == MAXSIZE) { cout << "栈已满!\n"; exit(1); } this->data[this->top] = x; this->top++;}template T MyStack ::pop(){ if (this->empty()) { cout << "栈为空! \n"; exit(1); } T e = this->data[this->top - 1]; this->top--; return e;}
// PrefixToPostfix.h#includeusing namespace std;bool isoperator(char op); // 判断是否为运算符int priority(char op); // 求运算符优先级void postfix(char pre[], char post[], int &n); // 把中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式double read_number(char str[], int *i); // 将数字字符串转变成相应的数字double postfix_value(char post[]); // 由后缀表达式字符串计算相应的中值表达式的值
// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//
#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyStack.h"#include "PrefixToPostfix.h"#include<iostream>#include <string>#include <fstream>using namespace std;int zxgb(int a, int b);void main(){MyStack<int> stack;stack.init();int result[4];int result1[4];int m = 0;char exp[100];ifstream myfile("a.txt");if (!myfile){cout << "无法打开文件";exit(1); // terminate with error }for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ {myfile >> exp;char post[100];char get[100];int n = 0; // 返回后缀表达式的长度postfix(exp, post, n);result[i] = postfix_value(post);cout << "第" << i + 1 << "题的答案是:\n";cin >> result1[i];if (result[i] == result1[i]){m++;}}}cout << "您本次作对了" << m << "道题\n";system("pause");}bool isoperator(char op){switch (op){case '+':case '-':case '*':case '/':return 1;default:return 0;}}int priority(char op){switch (op){case '=':return -1;case '(':return 0;case '+':case '-':return 1;case '*':return 2;default:return -1;}}// 把中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式,返回后缀表达式的长度(包括空格)void postfix(char pre[], char post[], int &n){int i = 0, j = 0;MyStack<char> stack;stack.init(); // 初始化存储操作符的栈stack.push('='); // 首先把结束标志‘#’放入栈底while (pre[i] != '='){if ((pre[i] >= '0' && pre[i] <= '9') || pre[i] == '.' || pre[i] == '/') // 遇到数字和小数点直接写入后缀表达式{post[j++] = pre[i];n++;}else if (pre[i] == '(') // 遇到“(”不用比较直接入栈stack.push(pre[i]);else if (pre[i] == ')') // 遇到右括号将其对应左括号后的操作符(操作符栈中的)全部写入后缀表达式{while (stack.gettop() != '('){post[j++] = stack.pop();n++;}stack.pop(); // 将“(”出栈,后缀表达式中不含小括号}else if (isoperator(pre[i])){post[j++] = ' '; // 用空格分开操作数(n++;while (priority(pre[i]) <= priority(stack.gettop())){// 当前的操作符小于等于栈顶操作符的优先级时,将栈顶操作符写入到后缀表达式,重复此过程post[j++] = stack.pop();n++;}stack.push(pre[i]); // 当前操作符优先级大于栈顶操作符的优先级,将该操作符入栈}i++;}while (stack.top) // 将所有的操作符加入后缀表达式{post[j++] = stack.pop();n++;}}double read_number(char str[], int *i){double x = 0.0;int k = 0;while (str[*i] >= '0' && str[*i] <= '9') // 处理整数部分{x = x * 10 + (str[*i] - '0');(*i)++;}if (str[*i] == '.') // 处理小数部分{(*i)++;while (str[*i] >= '0'&&str[*i] <= '9'){x = x * 10 + (str[*i] - '0');(*i)++;k++;}}while (k != 0){x /= 10.0;k--;}return x;}double postfix_value(char post[]){MyStack<double> stack; // 操作数栈stack.init();int i = 0;double x1, x2;while (post[i] != '='){if (post[i] >= '0' && post[i] <= '9')stack.push(read_number(post, &i));else if (post[i] == ' ')i++;else if (post[i] == '+'){x2 = stack.pop();x1 = stack.pop();stack.push(x1 + x2);i++;}else if (post[i] == '-'){x2 = stack.pop();x1 = stack.pop();stack.push(x1 - x2);i++;}else if (post[i] == '*'){x2 = stack.pop();x1 = stack.pop();stack.push(x1*x2);i++;}/*else if (post[i] == '/'){x2 = stack.pop();x1 = stack.pop();stack.push(x1 / x2);i++;}*/}return stack.gettop();}int fenshu(int a, int b){ }